Baja Edition Pricing Changes

First and foremost, thank you for being a part of the RREV family. A special thank you to our Founder Series Enthusiats. We’re grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us and for the chance to serve you with products and services that we’re proud of.

Over the past 5 months, we have committed to maintaining the highest quality standards, using only the best materials, and continuously improving our services to meet your needs. We have made 150+ improvements to the Baja Edition. However, due to rising material costs, operational expenses, and inflation, we find it necessary to make a small adjustment to our pricing to continue providing the value you expect.

Starting on December 2, 2024, there will be a price adjustment on our Baja Edition offering. We’ve worked hard to keep this increase as minimal as possible, while ensuring that we can sustain the level of quality and excellence we strive for at RREV. The new price will be $129,000 USD (Non-Bunk) and $130,000 USD (Bunk). We are also reducing the turn around time from 5-6 months to 3-4 months.

Instead of increasing the price right away we are keeping the current price of $120,000 USD (Non-Bunk) and $121,000 (Bunk) until December 2, 2024.

We understand that price changes can be inconvenient, and we want you to know that this decision was made with careful consideration and a commitment to keeping your experience as seamless as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at rr@roamresilient. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we make this transition.

We will also be launching a new product line shortly, so stay tuned for that. Thank you!

Team Resilient.


Preparing for a Month-Long Expedition in the RREV Baja Edition: Exploring the Northwest Territories (NWT)